Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers - Miami Chapter

Vote for FACDL-Miami’s 2024-2025 Executive Board and Board of Directors

It is officially time for FACDL-Miami’s 2024-2025 Elections! Current FACDL-Miami members are eligible to vote in the election for the Executive Board and the Board of Directors for 2024-2025. The new board will be installed at the Annual Awards Gala on May 5, 2024. Reminder: tickets are less expensive if you buy them before April […]

Finding the Needle in the Haystack

Thursday, September 2812pm on Zoomwith Steve M. Bergin, digital’ • •forensic expert from CyberTeleZoom Webinar ID: 873 3069 8737 •Password: 1963Approved for 1 General and 1Technology CLE

Technology in the Courtroom

Learn about the use of 3D computer modeling to reconstruct accidents and crime scenes, including night time video analysis, line of sight analysis, video reconstruction, a laser-based photogrammetry.